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connection, growth and development, mindfulness, mindset -

We need time to play, recover, and contemplate. We need time to wander, wonder, and walk mindfully in nature. We need time to do nothing, to be still, and breathe. We need time off to jump off the hamster wheel, hear how we speak to ourselves, and figure out who we are. 

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connection, growth mindset -

A great warrior was walking through a dense forest long ago, and an arrow suddenly struck her. The sharp and intense pain cascaded throughout her body in a few minutes.

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connection, gratitude, mindfulness -

When I left for my ride across New York State last Sunday, I was anticipating completing my last mile today, but like Robert Burns wrote, "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

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breath, connection, death, end of life, hospice, mindfulness, parents -

Two years ago today, my Mom passed away. I hadn't seen or spoken to her in a few years because of challenging family dynamics. Witnessing her ten-year health decline without feeling heard (my perspective) was one of the hardest things I’ve faced. As you might know, I like to do hard things, this wasn’t one of them. It took a toll. 

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care, connection, energy, kindness, mindful, mindful moment, random acts of kindness, small ripples -

I don't believe acts of kindness are random. They can feel that way when we receive - kindness out of the blue, but they're intentional by the person creating the ripple. When we receive them, it's validation that we're seen by karma - well, that's my story, and I'm sticking with it. 

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