Six Simple Words

connection, growth and development, mindset -

Six Simple Words

Although last week's Super Bowl didn't deliver any viral commercials, quarterbacks, Patrick Mahomes and Jalen Hurts, gave us a masterclass in leadership and emotional intelligence. 

Patrick showed the importance of grit and tenacity as he orchestrated an amazing come-from-behind victory after re-injuring his ankle. 

Hurts demonstrated how to face defeat with grace with six-simple words at the post-game press conference: "You either win or you learn."


During his career, Michael has taken almost every assessment out there - from DiSC to Enneagram to 360s, and one that changed everything was the Energy Leadership Index. 

An abundance of binary or victim thinking ripples into our lives today. However, when our aperture opens, things get a little more bubbly, and our attention shifts from me to us, few to many, and judgment to love - doesn't this sound nice? 

In his post-game interview, Jalen shared a classic level-six response, and just for comparison, here's how he could've responded: 

Level One: This sucks; I lost. 

Level Two: I'm so angry at the ref for that blown call; he made us lose. 

Level Three: It is what it is; I had a good game. 

Not great, right? But they're far too familiar. 

His response doesn't mean he wasn't disappointed. We are sure he is, but he understands he must process those feelings and sit with them for only as long as needed. Yes, we feel the feels, but eventually, we all face this choice: Do we want to stay disappointed/angry or learn something from it? 

It's the type of thinking that might lead Philadelphia back to the Super Bowl. Imagine what would be possible for you? 

And one of the best ways to do this is through mindfulness. It's incredible what can happen when you take a moment to pause, breathe, reflect, and hang out at level six. 

P.S., More people watched Rihanna's halftime show than watched the game. It's always easy to throw shade at those in the arena from the cheap seats. Twelve songs in thirteen minutes on an elevated platform while pregnant - we say brava! 

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