Mindful Everyday Moment: #72 -The feeling of a welcoming hug
Before the pandemic, one thing that would stress me out was greeting people at dinner parties or out to dinner. Maybe it was our group of friends, but there was a need to kiss on the cheek when greeting each other.
Sometimes it was just one kiss. For others, it was both cheeks which created more stress because you didn't know which side to start with, and you didn't want to head down the middle. Then, some folks did three. What's up with that?!?
I was a little happy when the pandemic came because it ended all this pecking, but I missed a good handshake or hug.
This past week, I had an opportunity to be with others multiple times, and it was nice to feel a firm handshake or welcoming embrace. It felt connected and grounded, which is needed as we travel through chaotic times.
And bonus time, there was no kiss-on-the-cheek pressure, but if this is your way, cool beans, but when we see each other, I would prefer a hug.
How about you? What's your preference?
If you want to share an everyday mindful moment, send it along, and I will include it in our list of 100.