Breathe - We haven't reached December, yet
I bet at least some of us feel like we just finished a marathon holiday shopping season. Amidst all the hustle, I hope there were moments for reflection between all the transactions.
If not, let's do this; let's take a pause. Take a nice deep breath in through the nose, slowly breathe out, and relax your body. Allow yourself a moment of stillness before reading further.
Now, as we're feeling a bit more centered, let's gently brace ourselves for some not-so-great news. We still have a few weeks before New Year's Eve.
Like the waves in the ocean, we can't stop the constant emails or last-minute sales, like this approach by a company that has messaged five times since Thanksgiving. Here's the gist of their strategy:
On Thursday, they announced their "biggest sale ever!" A lifetime membership was now "just" $170. Then, they dropped the price lower to $99 for the following three emails. Today, it's now $54.
So as the sales keep coming, remember you can slow things down by returning to your breath and taking a break.
That's what I did over the last several days. I escaped offline into nature and used the break to create a fresh approach for Pause Breathe Reflect.
With some good juju from Apple and Google, I'll have a welcomed announcement. It takes a "Pay What You Can" approach with our app and merchandise, ensuring anyone can join our community without financial barriers.
Hey, we can't all live like Jeff Bezos with a super yacht that has a yacht. Most of us don't even have a regular boat. I know I don't unless you count my collection of rubber duckies and bathtub boats – sorry, that may have been an overshare.
Here's the thing: The economy isn't strong for everyone, but everyone deserves support for health and mindfulness. Here, everyone belongs.
I invite you to listen to this week's "Story of Connection" episode on The Kintsugi Podcast, which recently hit the top 5% of all podcasts globally in just two weeks. My courageous friend Karrah shares her cancer journey as she embraces her Kintsugi energy. You can also check out the wonderful stories from Meaghan, Megan, Jon and many more as we head into 2024.