#64 Everyday Mindful Moment: Pencils Down
As we close out July 4th, we must give the Second Continental Congress its flowers for writing one of the best Dear John letters, or should I say, Dear George? Today's Congress probably would have ghosted the king, but that's no way to end a relationship - of course, fighting for eight years isn't great either.
The Declaration of Independence isn't perfect, but every project has a moment when it's time to put "pencils or quill pens down." I'm sure Franklin or that pesky Hamilton - who never signed it - had some edits for TJ, but sooner or later, as Seth Godin would say, "You need to ship it."
Our team did a mind-blowing job creating an app that confidently sits at the table along with Calm and Headspace, but as we approached November, some team members wanted more time to make changes, but I tuned into my heart and made the "pencils down" call. It wasn't perfect, but it needed to be released.
It was a moment of eagerness and anxiety, as I imagine it was for those who gave their John Hancock on July 4th. They knew England was known as a "bad breaker upper" and being independent, as cool as it is, can be messy and complicated.
We all have moments when it's time to put our "pencils down" and put our creativity, ideas, and opinions into the world. They call for mindfulness because that little voice in our heads will make us believe that we must keep tweaking things, but it will only prevent us from making history.
If you want to share an everyday mindful moment, send it along, and I will include it in our list of 100.